
Dentistry Release Form

Save time during your pet’s dental appointment! Complete your required form online before your visit.

Dentistry Release Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

Client Information

Patient Information


Extractions are sometimes a part of a Core Dental Procedure. Sometimes teeth may be loose, have fractures, or have major root exposure. In many cases, these teeth require removal due to the potential issues they cause and pain they create. Extractions will be done based on the veterinarian’s best judgment. We can assure you that only necessary teeth will be extracted.

Dental Release

I understand that the veterinarians and staff will use all reasonable precautions against injury, escape or death of my pet. I understand that anesthesia involves some risk to my pet and give permission to proceed with anesthesia.

Clear Signature